Microcement application training

The microcement is currently the most popular decorative coating product, amongst architects and decorators, as well as particulars.
Therefore, Microcement has become an ideal coating to widen the economic activity of any renovations and/ or construction company.
In present time there is not a large amount of application experts, consequently the experts with a proper and necessary training have a large market demand.
The target of these courses is to obtain highly qualified experts on the application of Microcement, given the great existent demand of the market and the growing rhythm, The CimentArt Team performs training courses regularly on its facilities of “El Campello (Alicante)” and on our different delegations.
Our Training courses are completely free.
The duration of the courses is of 4 hrs. approximately. Once the course is done, a certificate is delivered to all the participants who assisted, all the technical documentations of Microcement CimentArt and its working method are also given to all the participants.
Subsequently all the material requested by the professionals would be provided and Technical assistance from our Technical Department will be available for their projects or any questions that may arise.
The courses are essentially practical and with a reduce number of participants aiming to obtain experts with a good understanding, on the theory as well as the practical. In addition, the participants are provided with a technical assistance service, for any queries or doubts about se application surface or the application method.
Currently more than 1000 people, between professionals and companies of different countries have been trained by our technical personal and are at your disposal to perform any Microcement project.